(I have a source for some little ones at great prices that I am trying to update our site with.)
I think I am going to call the shop and see if they still have these exquisite trays, they were a robin's egg blue with gold etching and are so wonderful. The patina on them is fabulous!
I also fell for these Greco inspired French wood lamp bases. I picture these petite lamps in pair of chests perched upon a stack of antique books.
And last but not least, a beauiful French display cabinet. I have retrofitted these several ways for clients including changing out the glass and adding antique mirror fronts, or just keeping the glass and adding antique mirror to the back to bring in the light and make collections sparkle. I have also changed the glass out for wire mesh with fabric behind it in a little girls room to hide a TV - it turned out so cute!

you were in Houston and didn't call???? haha!!! love that shop sooooo much - tell Mona hi for me.
thanks for your contribution - very very very much!!!! it means to the world to me.
Antiques are your destiny! Thanks for sharing your finds, they are lovely!
Thank you both so much, and yes I'm sorry not to call on you! We had just a couple of free hours! One day you will have to show me around all of your haunts! Thank you too for the insider scoop on this place Cote de Texas!
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